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竹田 美奈子

Music Director/ Composer/ Arranger/ Pianist

クラシックのピアニストとしてサントリーホール、神奈川県民ホールなどで演奏活動を行う。その後活動を広げ、シンガーのサポートミュージシャンをはじめ、ビッグバンドやラテンバンド等マルチジャンルのピアニストとして活動を行う。2007年、活動の拠点をNYCに移し日本のアーティストの海外公演のサポートメンバーを務める。2018年には、NYのTWVEミュージカルカンパニーのオリジナル作品の音楽監督を務め、その作品がNEW YORK NEW WORKS FESTIVALでファイナリストに選ばれる。その他リーガリーブロンド等のミュージカル作品にも参加し、Acorn theaterやカーネギーホールなどで音楽活動を行う。2021年帰国。CMやドラマ、映画作品にも楽曲を提供している。

Minako Takeda

Minako started her career in the Japanese music industry when she was attending in high school. She performed as a concert pianist for a Latin band, several big band jazz orchestras, classical, pop, and rock music. She also has joined a creative team for composing, arranging, and performing keyboard instruments for movies and TV soundtracks. In 2007, she moved to New York City to seek experience in the musical scene. She has worked for TWVE (The World Voice Ensemble) as a music director as well as a performing pianist. The work she has done was recognized as a finalist for the "NEW YORK NEW WORKS FESTIVAL". She has continued her role as a performing musical director working for the company. Her involvement includes many notable musical shows such as "Legally Blonde". She has experience performing at Acorn Theater and Carnegie Hall. In the winter of 2021, she returned to Tokyo, Japan to continue working as a performing pianist as well as a music director, arranger, and composer.

竹田 美奈子
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