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  • join US | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 一緒に盛り上げてくれる表現者(表方・裏方問わず)を募集中です。 Join Us At Creative Arts Tokyo, we want people to enjoy art together. We are recruiting. I want to stand on stage can play musical instruments Aiming to be a screenwriter (is) I want to build a stage set (I love DIY), i want to make a costume I want to touch the lighting, I want to be involved in the promotion of i like to take pictures, I want to write a picture and show it to many people I'm not good at speaking, so I want to express myself in something . . . etc Everyone's "want to do", "want to challenge" Please let me support you. Age, gender and nationality do not matter. Let's create new art together. We are looking for enthusiastic and engaging performers in all levels/ages (Japanese and non-Japanese!) for the next upcoming show! It'll be held next year. If you think you are the right person and currently residing in the metropolitan Tokyo area, please don't hesitate to contact us! name email address phone number address subject message あなたのやりたいことは何ですか?: 役者 歌手(アンサンブル含む) ミュージシャン ダンサー 舞台製作(舞台監督・大道具・小道具) プロダクション制作等 プロモーション系(Website・SNS等) 技術系(音響・照明等) カメラマン(スチール・動画撮影等) 服飾系(デザイナー・パタンナー・縫製等) メイクアップアーティスト 画家・ペインター 脚本家・シナリオライター その他(やりたい事があるなら何でも) その他 send Send completed.

  • about REONA TANAKA | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 Reio Tanaka Active as a singer and musical actor in both Japan and the United States. Debuted off-Broadway as the main character in the musical "Angels at work". Experienced the stage of the Apollo Theater twice at Amateur Night in NY. In Japan, she also appeared on the stage of Showa Women's University's Hitomi Memorial Hall in the musical Nodojiman. In addition to musicals, he is challenging various genres such as gospel. Active as a singer and musical actor in both Japan and the United States. Debuted off-Broadway as the main character in the musical "Angels at work". Experienced the stage of the Apollo Theater twice at Amateur Night in NY. In Japan, she also appeared on the stage of Showa Women's University's Hitomi Memorial Hall in the musical Nodojiman. In addition to musicals, he is challenging various genres such as gospel. About REONA TANAKA Reona Tanaka, currently residing in Japan, performing as a singer and a musical actor in both Japan and the United States. He performed the lead role in the off-Broadway musical "Angels at work. In Japan, he performed at the Showa Women's University Hitomi Memorial Auditorium in a musical throat singing competition. In New York, he performed twice at the Apollo Theater on amateur night. In addition to acting in musical theater performances, he also performs in gospel music and other genres of music as a singer.

  • about MINAKO TAKEDA | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 Minako Takeda Performed as a classical pianist at Suntory Hall, Kanagawa Prefectural Hall, etc. After that, he expanded his activities and started working as a support musician for singers, as a multi-genre pianist such as big bands and Latin bands. In 2007, he moved his base of activities to NYC and served as a support member for overseas performances by Japanese artists. In 2018, he served as music director for the original work of TWVE Musical Company in NY, and the work was selected as a finalist at NEW YORK NEW WORKS FESTIVAL. In addition, he participated in musical works such as Legally Blonde, and performed music at Acorn theater and Carnegie Hall. Returning to Japan in 2021. He also provides music for commercials, dramas, and movies. About MINAKO TAKEDA Minako started her career in the Japanese music industry when she was attending in high school. She performed as a concert pianist for a Latin band, several big band jazz orchestras, classical, pop, and rock music. She also has joined a creative team for composing, arranging, and performing keyboard instruments for movies and TV soundtracks. In 2007, she moved to New York City to seek experience in the musical scene. She has worked for TWVE (The World Voice Ensemble) as a music director as well as a performing pianist. The work she has done was recognized as a finalist for the "NEW YORK NEW WORKS FESTIVAL". She has continued her role as a performing musical director working for the company. ". She has experience performing at Acorn Theater and Carnegie Hall. In the winter of 2021, she returned to Tokyo, Japan to continue working as a performing pianist as well as a music director, arranger, and composer.

  • 寄付 | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 support the art Assist Since 2000, Creative Arts Tokyo has provided the people of Nishi-Shinjuku 0-0-0 with a wide range of performing arts that everyone can enjoy. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our supporters. Thanks to your generous support, we have been able to achieve the progress we have made so far. Contact us for more information on partnerships and donations.

  • brochure | Creative Arts Tokyo

    TOKYO MUSICAL THEATER SHOWCASE この度はCreative Arts Tokyoがお届けする第一弾プロジェクト TOKYO MUSICAL THEATER SHOWCASE Volume 1 に ご来場いただきありがとうございます。 Song Order CAST & CREATIVE About Songs About C.A.T. Act1 Opening Numbers 1 Overture ~ Company 2 Sister Act 3 Waving Through A Window 4 Written In The Stars 5 A Soft Place To Land Music and Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Music by Alan Menken/ Lyrics by Glenn Slater Music and Lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Music by Elton John/ Lyrics by Tim Rice Music and Lyrics by Sara Bareilles Song Order CAST & CREATIVE CAST & CREATIVE Musical Actor, Singer 田中怜緒直 ❘ Reona Tanaka さらに表示 Musical Actor, Production Assistant 鈴木晴絵 ❘ Harue Suzuki さらに表示 Singer, Youtuber 岡本真理子 ❘ Mariko Okamoto さらに表示 Singer 居林有里 ❘ Yuri Ibayashi さらに表示 Singer 武田夏也 ❘ Natsuya Takeda さらに表示 Singer 十市浩司 ❘ Hiroshi Toichi さらに表示 Music Director, Composer, Arranger, and Pianist 竹田美奈子 ❘ Minako Takeda さらに表示 Percussionist すずきあゆみ ❘ Ayumi Suzuki さらに表示 Saxophone and Wind Instruments 鍋田宗孝 ❘ Munetaka Nabeta さらに表示 Recording Engineer 後藤洋平 ❘ Yohei Goto さらに表示 Special Guest: Stage Direction Advisor Makie Armstrong さらに表示 Act1 Opening Number 2. Sister Act 3. Waving Through A Window 4. Written In The Stars Act2 West Side Story Act3 The Last Five Years Act4 Avenue Q 1. Overture ~ Company 2. Sister Act 3. Waving Through A Window 4. Written In The Stars 5. A Soft Place To Land 6. Balcony Scene (Tonight) 7. The Rumble 8. I Feel Pretty 9. Somewhere 10. Prologue ~ Still Hurting 11. Moving Too Fast 12. The Next 10 Minutes 13. Audition Sequence 14. If I Didn't Believe In You 15. Goodbye Until Tomorrow 16. The Avenue Q Theme 17. Opening (What Do You Do With a B.A. In English/ It Sucks to Be Me) 18. The More You Ruv Someone 19. "Ruv Someone" Prayoff 20. There's A Fine, Fine Line (Reprise) 21. B.A. In English (Reprise) 22. For Now About Story About Songs About Us Be an Actor Today!! BRING A CHARACTER tO LIFE! Creative Arts Tokyoでは、 一緒に活動してくれるメンバーを募集しています。 何かを伝えたい方、表現したい方、 舞台作りに参加したい方、脚本を書いてみたい方、 英語で歌える方、新しいことにチャレンジしたい方など国籍、年齢、男女問わず、ご興味のある方はご連絡ください。お待ちしております。 We are looking for enthusiastic and engaging performers in all levels/ages (Japanese and non-Japanese!) for the next upcoming show! It'll be held next year. If you think you are the right person and currently residing in the metropolitan Tokyo area, please don't hesitate to contact us! Mail

  • about STAFF | Creative Arts Tokyo

    about STAFF Creative Arts Tokyo Creative Arts Tokyoでは、今までにないパフォーマンスを世界規模で多くのお客様にお届けするため、たゆまぬ努力をしていきます。 表舞台に立つ人から裏方まで、Creative Arts Tokyoのチームは、これからも成長し続けていきます。ぜひ会いにきてください! 田中 怜緒直 Actor & Singer 日米で歌手。ミュージカル俳優として活動中。オフブロードウェイで主役を果たし、 アポロシアターでのアマチュアナイトのステージを2回経験するなど、ワールドワイドに活躍している。 About Reona 竹田 美奈子 Music Director/ Composer/ Arranger/ Pianist 日本でのコンサート活動の他、ニューヨークでも日本のアーティストの海外公演のサポートメンバーを務める。 NYのTWVEミュージカルカンパニーのオリジナル作品の音楽監督を務める他、CMやドラマ、映画作品にも楽曲を提供。 About Mina 後藤 洋平 Recording Engineer ニューヨークにてレコーディングエンジニアとして数々の著名アーティスト、プロデューサーとレコーディングセッションを経験。 音楽レコーディングのみならずTV・映画・マルチメディアオーディオのプロジェクトにも多数参加。 About Yohei Gina T. Production Manager/ Stage Manager 10代の頃よりコンサート舞台監督助手として、国内外アーティストのコンサートツアーに参加。 日本でアーティストマネージャーを経験後、ニューヨークのレコーディングスタジオやジャズクラブでインターンを経験。 About Gina

  • Performing Arts | Creative Arts Tokyo | 東京都

    Creative Arts Tokyoは、Performing Artsなどの 芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、 全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 10-Minutes Musicals 2025 5月公演決定! Creative Arts Tokyo主催ミュージカル。 10-Mintes Musicals 2025 ニューヨークのSOUND BITES Festival入賞作品の中から 選りすぐりのショート作品集を2025年5月にお届けすることに なりました。 本作品は、MTI(Music Theatre International)のライセンスを取得した公演となります。 現在、公演本番に向け、着々と準備を進めておりますので 楽しみにお待ちください。 引き続きSNSでリハーサルの様子などお届けいたします。 フォローをお願いいたします。 Creative Arts Tokyo Bringing the joy of touching art to everyone Through opportunities to “create” art and “touch” art, We connect the whole world with each person who lives differently. Our Story Read More Creative Arts Tokyo Give everyone the opportunity to experience art. . . The joy of creating art for everyone. . . Enjoy art for all. . . genre of art nationality as well Gender also age too I want to deliver beyond everything I started up with that thought. Subscribe form Join Thanks for subscribing!

  • about GINA T. | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 GINA T. Since his teens, he has participated in concert tours of domestic and foreign artists as an assistant concert stage director. Worked on stages at Budokan, Tokyo Dome, Osaka-jo Hall, etc. A few years later, as an entertainment manager at a music production company, he was involved in the recording, promotion, and concert planning and production of singers, actors, and bands. After that, in order to broaden his horizons, he moved to New York and learned about the American music business while experiencing an internship at a certain jazz club. After returning to Japan, he was involved in the management of classes to convey traditional performing arts to children and the stage production of traditional performing arts at an NPO corporation. My favorite words are what I say and do what I say. About GINA T. After Gina graduated high school, she started her career as an assistant stage manager. She joined music concert tours of various domestic and foreign artists. After she gained experience in the field of artist management, she became an entertainment manager in the Japanese music industry. She has worked for over ten years where she was closely involved with singers, actors, and rock bands.In the year of 2007, she decided to move to New York to gain more experience in the field of the music entertainment business. an intern at a jazz club as well as at a music recording studio while attending a school to gain her English language skill. After she came back to Japan in 2020, she started working for an NPO as she managed a class, teaching traditional Japanese performing arts called “Noh” to children as well as managing stage productions for traditional performing arts. Her favorite words are “I will be a woman of my word.”

  • about CREATIVE ARTS TOKYO | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 Creative Arts Tokyo Creative Arts Tokyo was established in 2022 by members who have been active in Japan and overseas. We want to create art of all genres and performing arts that people from all over the world can participate in, making use of the experience we have cultivated over many years in Japan and overseas, and providing opportunities for everyone in the world to enjoy. I got up with such a feeling. Enjoy your future activities. About STAFF Our Vision & Mission Bringing the joy of touching art to everyone "Creating" art, Through opportunities to “touch” art, the whole world and We connect people with different lifestyles. Join Us At Creative Arts Tokyo, we want people to enjoy art together. We are recruiting. I want to stand on stage can play musical instruments Aiming to be a screenwriter (is) I want to build a stage set (I love DIY), i want to make a costume I want to touch the lighting, I want to be involved in the promotion of i like to take pictures, I want to write a picture and show it to many people I'm doing a band, but I want to challenge a different genre . . . etc Everyone's "want to do", "want to challenge" Please let me support you. Age, gender and nationality do not matter. Let's create new art together. Join Us

  • about YOHEI GOTO | Creative Arts Tokyo

    芸術に触れる喜びを全ての人に アートを「創る」、アートに「触れる」機会を通じ、全世界と、異なる生き方をする一人一人を繋げます。 Youhei Goto Moved to the United States at the age of 16. Majored in visual arts and music at the Interlochen Arts Academy. After graduating from Boston and Oakland, he worked as a recording engineer in New York around 2000 for many famous artists and producers (Keith Richards, Norah Jones, Buddy Guy, Arif Mardin, Suzanne Vega, Jim Campilongo, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Ray Parker. Jr., Marc Ribot, Bernie Warrell, Billy Martin, Pino Palladino, Dream Theater, Tamio Okuda and many others) and experienced recording sessions. In addition to music recordings, he has participated in numerous TV, film and multimedia audio projects. (VH1, Sony Pictures, Itoki, Discovery Channel, ENEOS, etc.) After returning to Japan in the winter of 2017, he worked mainly in Tokyo as a freelance recording engineer. Nominated as a recording engineer for the 2017 US TEC Awards = Best Album Production "Crossyed Heart/ Keith Richards". Fluent in Japanese and English. About YOHEI GOTO Yohei Goto moved to the United States of America when he was 16 years of age. He attended boarding high school, Interlochen Center for the Arts (formerly known as Interlochen Arts Academy) in Michigan, as a visual art and music major. he moved to Boston, Oakland, then to New York City in 2000 working his way up to become a recording engineer. He has worked closely with Steve Jordan and Anton Fier (both are world-class professional drummers as well as music producers) for over 10 years as their personal engineer as well as working as a freelance recording engineer. He has worked with numerous renowned artists and producers including Keith Richards, Norah Jones, Buddy Guy, Arif Mardin, Suzanne Vega, Jim Campilongo, Lee "Scratch" Perry, Ray Parker Jr., Marc Ribot, Bernie Warrell, Billy Martin, Pino Palladino, Dream Theater, Tamio Okuda and many more. Sony Pictures, Discovery Channel, Itoki, ENEOS, etc.). In the winter of 2017, he returned to his original home, Tokyo, Japan, to continue providing recording engineering service. for “Crosseyed Heart / Keith Richards” as the recording engineer. He is fluent in Japanese and English. Personal website Album credits

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